Monday, September 23, 2013

Being a tool in the Lord's Hands

Hey Family
This week has been AMAZING!!! We have seen some pretty great miracles and the Lord is really pouring out His blessings in this part of the vineyard. It has been so humbling to see and experience.
First off one of the miracles is just a personal one but He has given me strength to finish strong and has filled our days with appointments to keep us busy which is what I like best. I am so grateful that He has given me strength and has allowed me to meet so many wonderful people.
Now about those wonderful people.
On Tuesday after we had interviews with President Wada (which was my last one before "the" last one) we visited a family that is a part member from the military branch. The husband is a member but his wife and two children - 8 and 13- are not. We were told to call them from the ward mission leader. Brother Stiglich is deployed right now but we were able to call Sister Stiglich and make and appointment to visit them. Sister Stiglich is very nice and so are her kids, Stephen and Brigitte. After we sat down and talked for a bit to get to know them better they asked a question about something they read recently from the children's doctrine and covenants book Sister Stiglich told us that she was ready. She is ready to be baptized and to have an eternal family. She has that feeling and knows that it is her time and that her kids are ready too and know it is true. When we asked Brigitte if she too wants to be baptized she said yes and that she likes church because she can learn about God. They have been so prepared and carry such a special spirit with them. It was my first time meeting them but I felt like I have known them for a long time. I am so proud of them for making this decision and wanting to make this change. It made me so excited as we then talked about baptism and the steps that will need to be taken before then. Since brother Stiglich is currently deployed they want to wait for him and he of course wants to be present for it. Unfortunately he does not get back until Decemeber so they have along time to wait but their faith is strong and we will teach them the lessons and keep their faith strong though I am not worried about them at all. Last Sunday there was a typhoon and they had plans on coming but because of the storm it was dangerous so they weren't able to make it but they just went back to their house and read scriptures and studied them together. How amazing is that!!!! I love this family and I am really excited to start teaching them this week. It will be great!!!
Another miracle we saw was on Thursday. We went to visit a member on one of the bases and as we were waiting outside the gate for her to pick us up we were just talking with each other when this guy, probably in his 30's, stopped and started talking to us. He asked if we were working in this area. We said yes and as we were talking to him we found out that he is member but has been less active for 5 years. Recently however, he has been getting many signs that he needs to come back to church. When he was in Australia he ran into the missionaries twice and he recently saw the church. We he talked to his mom about it she said that he should go back or talk to the missionaries so when he saw us he knew that he needed to talk to us. He recently moved to this area and has been living in Japan for about 5 years. He really wants to come to church and said that he will come this next coming week. We were able to get his number and told him we would give him a call and send the Elders over to visit him. It was such a cool miracle and was a reminder that the Lord places us where He needs us to be and will lead us to people or will lead them to us. It was a great experience.
Friday we got a phone call from a member in another Stake who told us that he had a referral from us. At one of his jobs he started talking to this girl and asked if she wanted to be happy and she said yes and he asked her if she would try listening to the missionaries and to the message that they have and she said that she would. We called her on Saturday and made an appointment for over the phone for last night at about 9 pm. Now even though the lesson was over the phone it was one of the best lessons I have ever done and it was soooo much fun. I was able to ask her about things that she believed and explained to her our purpose as missionaries and how this message can help her. We talked about God being our Heavenly Father and after she said that she wanted time to think about that I taught her about prayer and the steps of it. She said that this week she will try praying and we are meeting with her next week. It was a great lesson and the spirit was so strong. I could feel it testify through me and there is no feeling like comes close to that. I can not even describe it in words. Being a tool for the spirit to use and being able to speak a powerful testimony is the best thing ever. When we said goodbye and hung up the phone I felt like I was floating on cloud 9. I was soo happy. I had so much fun talking to her and I knew that the Lord was pleased with the way that I taught. I have really high hopes for her and feel like she is ready to hear the message. She is willing to listen and to try. From there the spirit will touch her heart and we will see more miracles happen. I am really going to miss this feeling.
This week is what being a missionary is all about and I feel so blessed to have been able to have such a great week!!! to be able to teach some many people and to have great experiences. This is the way I want to end. And I will be forever grateful to my Lord and Savior for giving me these last few weeks. They are the best.
I love you all so much and I know that this work is true.