Sunday, April 29, 2012


Today I had my mission farewell and I am happy that it went very very well. This morning I was very nervous and kept questioning what I prepared and if it was going to be ok. But when I got to church and went through all the meetings I was starting to feel peaceful and really good about it and when I was actually giving my talk I felt this amazing confidence and peace and I was able to speak calmly and clearly. It was great. I don't say this to be conceited but I am proud of how well I did. I also loved my cousin singing and then my brother speaking. It was a wonderful meeting and it was great to see how much love and support I have from people.

I know that there were some who couldn't make it so I am going to post my written talk on here for people to read.

  A couple of summers ago  I had the opportunity to work as a counselor at Brighton LDS girls camp. We did many different activities with the girls each week like hikes, repelling and ropes courses. With each activity a lesson could be taught that could help the girls learn and for their testimonies to grow. But many times during that summer the activity that we would do would end up teaching me something more than the girls. One such experience happened my very last week of camp. Each week on the last night of camp the girls can voluntarily participate in a sunrise hike. That last week I was given the chance to go with my girls who decided to go.   We would wake up at 2 in the morning and after packing a light breakfast we would start out on climbing the mountain. Fun right?  But despite that  I was looking forward to experiencing the hike just once.  I had heard about it all summer, some said it was hard while others said that they loved and wanted to go every week. I was looking forward to forming my own opinion about it. Towards the beginning of the hike everything was going well, I was laughing  and chatting with the girls and other counselors, having a good time. But as our group progressively worked our way up and at about the halfway point  it started getting harder and I started getting physically sick. I became weak, feeling lightheaded and several times along the path I almost collapsed entirely. I honestly didn't know if getting to the top was worth it and I was sorely tempted to turn around and head back to camp. I kept thinking "it is just a stupid hike why is it worth pushing yourself. You won't make it, you are too weak. Better just to turn back and save yourself the embarrassment." But I was determined to reach the top since I took the effort to get up so early and I wasn't about to leave my girls. So I prayed to the Lord for help, telling him I wanted to see the sunrise more than anything but that I couldn't do it alone. So with that prayer going through a loop and with the encouragement of some of the staff that was with me I trudged on. For the remainder of the hike I don't remember much of it. What I passed on my way up, the conversations going up and down the line, I don't even remember if I was cold or not. I just know that one foot was put in front of the other and suddenly I was standing on top of the mountain.  As I looked back from where I started and how far I had come I was filled with so much gratitude because I knew that I wasn't by my own strength that made it possible for me to be standing there and as I watched the sun slowly rise I was happy that I continued on because it was worth it, through that experience I have learned a lesson that I have kept close to my heart and gives me strength and courage as I set out on a mission.
            Life can be a lot like ths hike. This mortal life can be hard, filled with challenging trials and adversities of every variety (physical and mental)  that try to stop our forward progression to get to the top. But we do not have to go through it alone and we can rely on strength beyond our own. We can ask the Lord for help and he will give us strength to overcome whatever mountains we need to get over. He knows what we are going through and He is the only one who can help us. Elder Marvin J. Ashton said:
            "Roadblocks to eternal progress are cast aside when resolves are made that no man needs to walk alone. It is a happy day when we come to know that with God's help nothing is impossible for us."
With God's help we can accomplish anything and we can overcome any trail and challenge that the Lord gives us because the Lord doesn't give us anything that we can't handle and that won't help us to grow and become closer to him. He is testing us, seeing if we will rely on Him and do whatsoever he asks of us. He will help us and give us strength when we ask for it. He can give us strength in any situation that we may face. It could be when we or a loved one is sick, when problems are piling up like a car breaking down, not finding a date, kids acting up, etc. The list goes on.  The Lord will even give us emotional strength when we are feeling beaten down and alone. When feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy lay heavy on our hearts.  In all of these situations it takes faith to rely on the Lord  and to turn to him, but even that can be hard. But if we sincerely ask for our faith to become stronger even that will be given to us and then we can get through anything this life can throw at us.   In a talk given by Henry B. Eyring titled In the Strength of the Lord he gives 3 steps that we can do to prepare before the moment of a trail so that our faith can be stronger  and so that we can have confidence that help will be coming.
1. The first step is pray.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  In 3rd Nephi 18:19-20 it reads: Therefore ye must always pray unto the Father in my name;  and whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you."  Time and time again in the scriptures the Lord tell us to pray to Him for anything. Prayer is a power given to each and every one of us. Through prayer great things can come whether it be large or small; could be a visit from angels, the strength to cross the plains in a blizzard, a simple feeling of peace and love or a plea to get through a farewell talk in front of a large crowd.  Praying for me is as easy and as necessary as breathing. I don't know where I would be if I couldn't pray and know that I could seek heavenly help each and every day.
In a quote given by Elder Eldred G. Smith he assures us: "If you ask the Lord for help, he will give you strength, power and ability to overcome Lucifer and withstand his efforts, and thus you will be strengthened and made more perfect...The Lord has made no promise to those who try to go it alone."
The Lord expects us to ask for help, that is why He has given us promises that if we ask we shall receive. When we pray to the Father for help we are showing Him that we have faith in Him and trust in Him. And that is the purpose of this life, to come unto Him.
2. Feast on the word of God.                                                                                                                                    The scriptures and the words of the Prophets are the voices of God. When we read them it is the Lord speaking directly to us, filling us with his loving spirit and giving us guidance in this crazy world. Each time we read the words of the prophets or the scriptures they can mean something different to us, depending on the circumstances of our lives at any given point.  Sometimes it is a promise, sometimes chastisement and sometimes just a reminder of love. Reading the words of God brings me closer to Him and hearing His voice through them gives me the confidence that He will help me through my life's challenges and that he will always be there for me.  It was through the scriptures and His servants that I discovered that the Lord wanted me to serve Him by going on a mission.
It started with listening to General Conference and hearing some talks about missionary work that first had me thinking about it. But I brushed it off thinking that a mission wasn't for me. I am not an expert on the scriptures or gospel doctrine, how could I possibly teach people about the Gospel? What good could I do? Besides that I also wanted to finish school. But a week or two later I was reading the book of Mormon when I decided randomly to read from Doctrine and Covenants. And while I was reading a scripture really hit me hard and made me realize that the Lord really did want me to serve a mission. The scripture is found in Doctrine and Covenants 1:23:
            "That the fullness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world, and before kings and rulers."
Well, if anyone was weak or simple I thought I made a good candidate and so my excuses for not going went out the window. The Lord speaks to us constantly even when we are not seeking his voice and that is why feasting on His word is important.  We could miss sometime important that He wants to tell us.
3. A call to Serve                                                                                                                                                                      When we are called to serve in the Church it is a call to serve Him. When we are in His service  the Holy Ghost becomes a companion and helps us in our duties. The Savior asks the Father to send us the Holy Ghost so that it can comfort  and strengthen His servants and promises that it will be there when we need it. The promise is there no matter what calling, and it doesn't have to be a formal call either, like ward activity leader. The smallest child is serving God  when they stand and bear their simple testimony. Everyone of us also serves the Lord when we bear testimony and when we are being kind each other.  
President Eyring said "In the Master's service, you will come to know and love Him. You will, if you persevere in prayer and faithful service, begin to sense that the Holy Ghost has become a companion.”
The Father wants to see His work moving forward and he blesses His servants with health and strength to be able to get the things He needs to get done. He does that by sending the Holy Ghost.
By doing these three things we can be sure to have our faith strengthened and to be closer to the Lord. When that happens we are able to reach out to his outstretched arm and have Him pull us up. This is the promise that He gives us when we follow Him. And these promises are made possible because of the Atonement. The Savior knows that we can't do things alone, that because of our mortal bodies we don't have adequate strength. Heavenly Father sent an Angel to the Savior when he was in the Garden for support and strength. He understands.  The Lord loves us so much and He knows our hearts and our intentions. He wants to be a part of our lives.
A  friend of mine recommended this book to me and it's called missionary miracles and it has letters from missionaries sent home to their families about experiences that they have had while serving. One story filled me with peace and reminded me that I am not alone.
Natalie Watts - Zimbabwe Harare Mission The Long Walk Home
"This week I had some interesting experiences but one defining moment in particular. On Thursday, Sister Dutiro and I got the inactive list from the Relief Society president and spent the day trying to find the inactive sisters. We both felt prompted to go to certain places, so we followed the Spirit and went- but had no success. It was a very frustrating day, full of "fall-throughs." As we started the very long home, I couldn't help but feel discouraged. The road kept getting longer and longer and my strength weaker and weaker. i though, WHY? Why didn't things happen today? We followed the Spirit--but what good had it done? The conversation continued in my head: 
impression:'You were obedient werent' you?'
Me: ' Yes, but there were no results.'
Imp: 'So--why do you need results? Isn't it enough to have faith that you were in the right place at the right time?'
Me: 'Yeah, I guess so--at least I know I can 'go and do.' But I am so tired! Was my effort really worth it?'
Imp: 'Why did you get out of bed this morning? Why did you 'waste your energy' by being obedient?'
Me:'Because I love the Lord so much. But I will never be able to really show Him how much I love Him. I can't give enough. I can't believe I have to walk to Kamwala tomorrow. I don't have the strength! I love Heavenly Father, and I know He needs me to go down to Kamwala tomorrow, but I just can't!'
Needless to say, by then I was in tears. Then an image came to me of me kneeling at my Father in Heaven's feet, sobbing, saying, "I love you so much--but I don't have the ability to show that love. Whatever I give will never be enough!"
Then I saw the Savior kneeling next to me and heard Him say, "Father, I love her so much that whatever she can't give, I will make up. Pleace accept the offer."
One of Satan's greatest strategies is to make me think that the Atonement is only for big sinner--but people on the right path have to do it by themselves. I now have a real understanding of the Atonement of the Savior and how much strength I can and must gain from it. We went to Kamwala the next day, and it was great. How thankful I am for the Atonement. How real it is! And it's not just a one-time-use thing. Strength comes daily, even hourly, from this precious gift. I know I will never have enough, but it's okay if I trust my Savior, Jesus Christ, to make up the difference".      Sister Watts
I am grateful for the atonement and for the promises that the Lord gives to us because without them I don't know what I would do. To be honest I am a little scarred to leave.  I don't know what to expect or what challenges I will face and I don't know how I will handle them or if I will have any impact on the people that I teach. But I  know that with the Lord at my side I handle anything and can touch somebody with my message. He has been with me these last few weeks and has given me strength and He will continue to give me the strength I need because He loves me so much that He atoned and sacrificed Himself for me. Just like how I got to the top of the mountain we all can get to the top of the mountain that is life someday and witness the Son of God rise again and let him bathe us with his warmth and his love.
I want to thank you all again for coming today. I love this ward and I want to thank the ward members for welcoming me and for the support you have given. I want to thank the Bishopric. They are the best that is around. They have helped me so much as I have prepared for my mission, especially Bishop Seal. He is a wonderful Bishop. To my friends I love you and you are the greatest friends ever. I thank God everyday for blessing me with such wonderful  friends. You have helped make me who I am and are such wonderful examples to me. Your support and love means more to me then you could possibly imagine.
To my wonderful family, I cannot express how much I love you and how blessed I feel to be a part of such a amazing family. I feel so blessed for the siblings that I have and for how close we are. You guys have always supported me and my dreams and have always been there for me. You have been the greatest examples in my life and thank you so much for your love.  Mom and Dad, thank you so much for everything you have ever done for me. For loving me and supporting me. Thank you for raising me with the Gospel so that I can know my Savior. For always being there when I needed you. I feel so blessed that I was granted the privilege of being your daughter here on earth.