So this last week has been pretty amazing. Sister Lundy and I obtained 4 new investigators. Crazy right!!?? One of them was Tani that I briefly mentioned last week. We haven't able to meet with him yet cause we have to wait till the Elders are also free because he will become the Elders investigator.
The other investigator is Narumi. She is that girl that I met on the train ride coming to Oyama my first week. Remember her? Last week we went out to lunch with her and we did something we call a shokai lesson, meaning we basically went over 4 main things we teach as missionaries and then asked her what sounded interesting to her and just asked her questions and she asked us questions. It was a wonderful lunch/discussion. She asked a lot of good questions and now we are trying to set up another appointment with her. She is a really sweet girl. She is my age and loves to travel. We are going to try and go to a place called Niko next week and see if she will come with us. Niko is a place in the mountains basically that have A LOT of shrines. I am really excited about going and seeing it. Sister Lundy has been there and showed me some pictures and it looks really cool. So hopefully Narumi can be free to go with us and then we will be able to do a lesson with her. She seems ready to hear it.
The 3rd investigator is a man who was born in Bangladesh but grew up in India and is now working here in Japan. His name is Priti. We had a lesson with him on Sunday and another one on Monday. He is buddhist and this is his first time listening to people who are christian. He won't say if he believes in God but he won't say that he won't either. He wants to find out more information. He said that he will pray and read the Book of Mormon to find out. He is just so amazing. He seems so ready to hear the gospel. A lot of the things he says just takes me back because I can see the spirit working in him. For yesterdays lesson (monday) he also brought his friend who is also from bangladesh to hear and his friend wants a book of Mormon so we are seeing if there is one in Bangladesh. Priti seems to be refering a lot of his friends. It is so wonderful. Priti speaks really good english and that is what the lessons are in, mixed with a little Japanese because we have a Japanese member who comes with us to teach. I must say that I do not mind teaching in English. :) We have really high hopes for Priti and we can't wait to teach him more.
The 4th investigator is a members friend and she has come to Eikaiwa a couple of times. Last week she got really sick and was in the hospital. Brother Hasagawa asked us if we had time on Thursday to go and visit her at the hospital and we of course made sure we had time for that. We took the train to the hospital and met Brother Hasagawa at the station and we walked together to the hospital. Sachiko was feeling a lot better and we were able to visit her for an hour or so. She loves english and speaks it well and wanted us to speak english to her. She told us that she wanted us to teach her how to pray because she doesn't know how and since she is sick she thinks it is time to know God. So we taught a short lesson about God and that He is to who we pray to and told her more about the character of God. We also gave her a book of Mormon that the Elders, Sister Lundy and myself, and Brother Hasagawa signed and told her that through the book of Mormon she can come to know God. She told us that she can feel/see a power that we have and wants to know how she can get it. We told her by praying and reading the book of Mormon are the first steps to obtain that power and happiness. She also told us that she hopes her daughters will listen to us and be receptive to hearing about christians. Sachiko is amazing! I love her so much and that lesson was just amazing. The spirit was strong and she is so ready to hear the gospel.
So those are our new investigators. We have a lot and it is hard to keep them in track sometimes. We do some finding but right now it is trying to set up appointments so that we can teach these people. Oyama is wonderful. There are many people who are ready here. For Tani and Priti they are the ones who came up to us asking to be taught and we just started the conversation by saying hello to them in passing. The Lord is moving His work forward and He is helping us.
On Saturday we had the Natsumatsuri (summer festival) and it was so much fun. It reminded of home a lot with the ward getting together for parties like the 4th of July breakfast. The food was delicious. They made yakisoba which is this meat that is a common dish in Japan and it was oh so good. It was fun seeing people and we were able to meet some new people. They also had a talent show and the a lot of people performed. They asked me and Sister Lundy to do something, sister Lundy play the piano and for me to sing. You know how wonderful my voice is so I was sneaky and when we went up there I chose the song “Jesus wants me for a sunbeam” and asked the kids to come up and sing with me. Haha But it is funny I don't think when the Japanese sing that song they jump like americans because I was the only one jumping. It was fun haha :) That family that we met the week before and invited to the Natsumatsuri didn't come but we still drop by every once and awhile and try to chat. Sometimes they are not home or last times it was only the father. We shall see what happens with them.
On Sunday morning before church I got a surprise phone call. An Elder from Chiba area
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Mugicha - Buckwheat tea. Love it!! |
I am finally getting used to be being a missionary and the ups and downs it entails. Even though it is super hard I love being here. I keep pinching myself because I still can not believe that I am actually in Japan. I am recognizing that my Japanese is slowly improving and I am having more courage to speak and try and more confidence as well. The beginning of last week was really hard. Despite the amazing things that happened I was not feeling so well. I wasn't finding much joy in it and that was frustrating me because I really wanted to. But I kept going to my Father and pleading for His help and He did help me. I felt the burdens lifted and I have felt a new found joy for this work and even though everyday I am bone tired I am given strength to continue through each day and look forward to what the day will bring. This gospel is amazing and it is the only way we can truly be happy. I know that all that we are accomplishing is not because of us. It is the Lord. It is His work and He wants to see it moved forward. And He is giving us strength each day to do that. The Savior lives!! I know it. I am sure I wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for Him and His support that He gives me. It is through Him that I can do anything. And He blesses me so much everyday. That is one thing I love about coming on a mission, is the relationship I am creating with Him. He is my friend!!
I miss you all like crazy. I love you with all my heart and I do look forward to seeing you again but I do love being a missionary. The challenges and all. I am glad that you are all doing well.