Last week, we saw Mackenzie off. It was a week of goodbyes, and we were lucky to see so many friends and family come to support our sister. The night before her farewell talk, we had an open house for friends and family to visit Mackenzie before she left. We had some great food, including an amazing dessert display by our very own Amanda (who is like a sister to our family). She created some yummy cake balls, chocolate-covered strawberries, chocolates in the shape of the Jordan River Temple and with a monogram "M", and mini cheesecakes. Not only was the dessert amazing but the display was fabulous! We are lucky to have such talent in our family. Here's Amanda and Mackenzie setting up:
Mackenize saw a lot of friends from the neighborhood, school, and high school friends too. It was a fun night and a great way to celebrate my sister. Here are more fun pictures from that night:
The next day was a big day for our family. Starting at 9am that morning, we blessed Mackenzie's nephew (my son) Sean. We wanted to do it before she left, especially because Sean will be almost two when she comes home!
Later that day, we attended Mackenzie's Sacrament meeting for her farewell talk. Because my brother is also in the ward, the bishopric recruited him to speak as well! They both gave wonderful talks, bearing heartfelt and sincere testimonies that touched all who attended. Many dear family friends from the neighborhood and many who had moved away, came to hear them speak. Our family is so grateful for the love and friendship we have received from so many people over the years, especially for their support of Mackenzie. Mackenzie shared her farewell talk in the post preceding this one. Take a moment to read it and enjoy the beautiful message she shared.
Last Tuesday night, Mackenzie was set apart as a missionary. Her bishop and stake president came to my parent's house and gave each of us the opportunity to share our testimonies and love for our sister. It was a special night for our family and now a cherished memory. It's not often that you get to share such sacred feelings with your family, and I'm grateful we were able to do so.
The day finally came last Wednesday for the drive down to Provo. My sons and I came to see them off as only one vehicle is now allowed to drop off the missionary and there wasn't enough room for all of us in my dad's truck. I was able to hold back my tears until after she left. It was strange to think we wouldn't see her in the front yard for 18 months! But we are all so proud of her and the decision she has made. She will be able to bless many people, including our family, while she is gone.
As the cute sign in my parent's yard says, "Sister Dolan, go forth and serve!"