Sunday, May 27, 2012

Rollercoaster (Week 2)

Well this week has been a rollercoaster week. I have a had a lot of ups and downs but it seems that the downs are long sometimes. I'll first tell about an up I had on Friday that I liked. So through out this whole week I have been praying that I could have the spirit more so that I could teach by it and have it work through me. Well on Friday we were practicing inviting someone to be baptized and having them say no but then we would have to ask why they said no. I was with Hall Choro (our DL) and I was playing the missionary and it was our second round. I asked him to be baptized and he said no. When I asked why he said that he didn't know enough about Christ and didn't feel ready to commit to baptism before he knew Him better. At this point our teacher, Pangariban sensei, told me that I should stop and just let there be silence so that I could  listen to the spirit to know what he needed to here. So I sat there and thought a little bit about what I should say. When I finally decided to speak the only words that I got  out were "I know that Jesus Christ lives" before I started bawling. It was embarrassing. I was crying so much that I couldn't speak anymore. But when I was able to get under control I was able to express that I know that Jesus Christ loves him and is proud of him and wants him to come unto Him with all his heart. I also testified that the Book of Mormon was the way that He speaks to us and that it was written for him and no one else. It has answers that he is seeking. I also testified of prayer and that if Hall Choro would just pray to Him he would receive answers. Besides the embarrassing bawling part I really enjoyed that because it made me happy because that is exactly what I have been praying for for the whole week. It was a good experience.

So I can't remember if I talked about Higaki san in the last e-mail but she was our investigator during our first week here. On Thursday and Friday we got a surprise. Thursday we watched a video from her and guess what? She speaks English. So all the lessons we had with her when we thought she couldn't understand us, nope she did. And on Friday we walked into the classroom and get another surprise. She is our new teacher and her real name is Mortensen sensie. Crazy right? All of missionaries have a hard time with the deception and take it really hard. For me though I can see why they did it. I just felt embarrassed more then anything I guess. But I really like her, she is a good teacher. So now when I meet with "investigators" it will actually be our two teachers but they will just be acting like someone they met on their mission. It is hard to teach. I feel like I would so really well if I was speaking English but since that is not the language I am learning I have to get used to speaking in Japanese. I just hope that I can get a hang of this language. One of the goals for Stubbs shimai is to help me with my confidence before we leave. I too will be working on it.
Yesterday we got about 15-20 Japanese missionaries. Because of the earthquake last year in Japan the MTC there has been closed and so every few weeks the MTC here gets a group of Japanese missionaries and they are here for 3 weeks. Tonight after the devotional we have a branch review about the devotional we heard and we will be the interpreters. I think having them here will really help me. I found that I can understand the language better then speak it so that is a start right.
Even though being here is hard sometimes I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I am honored to be serving the Lord and I am grateful for the spirit and growth that I have already experienced here. He lives and has been by me through these two weeks silently cheering me on and giving me strength, love and peace. I have improved a little bit I will be honest. I just have to get over trying to be perfect RIGHT NOW. You know me, I always feel like I need to do things the right way and the perfect way right from the start. But since Sunday I feel a lot better.  I am just focusing on one day at a time and will take advantage of my strengths and try to work on my weaknesses. With the Lord at my side nothing is impossible. :D
I love you, with all my heart and I think about you everyday and pray that you all will be safe and blessed while I am away. Someone quoted a missionary quote that went like this "a missionary is someone who leaves her family for a little while so that others could be with theirs forever." I am so glad I have you for eternity so that makes 18 months nothing. :D
With all my love,
Oh p.s I forgot to mention this last week. There are 3 Elders here who are going to a new mission. Their mission is to the Marshal Islands. Isn't that sweet!!! It is so exciting to here that there are still missions being opened today. I am sure they have a big job ahead of them. But they will be amazing!! Just like Kolipolky in the Other Side of Heaven. :)

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