Hey Family,
I can't believe how fast that week went by. I feel like I just e-mailed you. Crazy how fast the time is flying by. I am glad that everyone had a good week and thank you mom for e-mailing some of the blog. Ashtyn is so strong and such an wonderful example to me. Reading that e-mail before personal study really helped me and I made some new goals. Tell her thank you for me for her wonderful example. Her and Suzanne. Their faith and courage is truly inspiring and is helping me. :D Also thank you for my package. I got it this morning just as we started companionship study. I had the goofiest grin on my face when I saw eeor and I held him all through out companionship study. Sister Vail thought it was funny. I will send a picture with me holding it. It was wonderful!
This week was a fun week but I don't have time to talk about everything. I don't even really know where to start. Maybe I will just talk about yesterday because it was a good day.
So first, we taught a lesson to Brother Yamazaki and it was a really good lesson and really fun. We realized that we needed to make it more entertaining for him and more understandable and that is what we did. We taught about the blessings of the gospel and he seemed to understand more. The spirit was strong.
Second, Brother Usa was confirmed today a member and what made the experience even sweeter was that after sacrament when we were talking to him he asked us when he could go to the Temple. That is the best thing a missionary could here. Hearing the person wanting to take the next step which is really what baptism leads to.
Last week we had a new student come to Eikawa. He went 8 years ago and when he showed up he was surprised to see sisters. Anyway, we invited him to church and he came!!!! And he stayed for the whole 3 hours and a few after. And we were able to teach him short lesson. We wants to learn more about the atonement and said that he will do his best in learning about Christ's path (faith, repentace, baptism, gift of the holy ghost, and endure to the end). He is such a prepared person and I am so excited to teach him more. We have another appointment with him this week before eikaiwa starts. Yay!!!
I love working in Utsunomiya. I have really learned how to teach by the spirit and to trust it. And I feel like I am becoming a really good teacher. One who can understand people and make it easier for them to understand. It is amazing. I love being a partner with the spirit!!! :D
I love you all!!! So much!!!!!
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